1、 Care to comment? 有啥想说的么?
2、 I'll ring it up.我来打价
3、 I’ve known you my entire life我认识你这么多年you don’t have a violent bone in your body你的骨子里根本就没有暴力。
4、 This is the police ,you are completely surrounded。put down your weapon,put down your weapon now!我们是警察,你已经被完全包围了。马上放下武器(个人觉得ms在这里把枪往地上一丢的那个动作很帅。。。)
5、 Perhaps you should heed your representation’s advice.take some additional time to consider your response.也许你应该听你代理人的意见,再花店时间考虑一下你的答复。
6、 Get some two-bit job? 找份廉价工打打?
7、 All wings,guard coming out. 警卫各就各位。
8、 How was scofield able to have exclusive access to you? 为什么scofield能单独接触你?
9、 And then when you start running out of air...当你没气的时候
10、 He's got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest.他将头等舱伪造成装货物的仓库
11、 But you need a fall guy,fine. 但是你们需要一个替罪羊。
12、 Do you copy?收到了吗?Roger. 收到了
13、 Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?为什么你这么想见这个叫Burrows的人?
14、 Don't turn your back on us.别抛弃我们
15、 Tattoo looks fresh. 纹身刚纹了没多久吧。(美女医生出场,ps:原来fresh还可以这么用)
16、 Do you happen to have a pen handy? 你手头有笔吗?
17、 Hit a sore spot,didnt I? 说到你痛处了,是不是?
18、 Beat it(?不清楚具体是什么意思,望高手指点。汗,这是老大出场的第一句台词)
19、 I failed him.我让他失望了.
20、 I’m proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.告诉你我在向我女朋友求婚,如果你想知道的话
21、 He acknowledge that whatever neuroses drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded. 他知道无论是什么神经机能病变导致的最初犯罪都是复杂的
22、 From a public relations standpoint,abruzzi and apolskia were by the book.从公众角度出发,(杀)abruzzi and apolskia是按规定的。
23、 Every plot is mapped out with dimensions.每一小块都会用尺寸标注出
24、 Abruzzi,I need you to hire me a PI. 阿布,我要你雇用我进PI。
25、 In a letter? 用信?www.geyan123.cn
26、 Because he’s my brother.因为他是我哥哥。
27、 You got nothing I need.你那没我想要的东西。
28、 I want to alert you to a possible situation.我要提醒你可能发生的情况。
29、 I let that psychopath t-bag loose once.我让T-BAG那个变态逃掉一次
30、 I believe i said no comment.我说过无可奉告了
31、 But how did they get it wrong then?The courts, the appeals...但是他们怎么会弄错呢?法院,还有上诉...(lincon对michael发誓说没有杀人,michale含泪问他哥哥。谁知道这后面有多大的一个阴谋)
32、 He went out with his boots on.他死在工作岗位 。
33、 I didn't mean to startle you. 我没想吓你。
34、 I want you to turn youself in.我希望你去自首。
《越狱》经典台词情迷好莱坞 越狱t bag
35、 Sentence to be carried out immediately.判决立即执行。(ms“顺利入狱”)
36、 How do you throw the hunter off the scent? Get rid of the prey.你怎么才能逃过猎人的鼻子? 扔掉猎物。
37、 I hope you're holding on to something tight 'cause i'm about to break it down for you.我希望你做好心理准备,因为我要说的东西会让你崩溃。
38、 I bought us some time-that's what counts. 我争取到了时间,那才是最重要的。
39、 we’ve been over this 我们不会再谈论这个了
40、 M:What? Dr: Nothing.That was just my senior quote. M:That was you?This whole time ,I was thinking it was Gandhi. (Michael Scofield为了得到医生的信任花了不少心思,他在入狱前就知道了美女医生的座右铭是甘地曾说过的一句话。从这个桥段看,ms泡mm还是很有一手的嘛)
41、 You got a better way?你还有更好的方法么?
42、 And he's the mastermind of this whole thing.他是整个事情的主谋
43、 Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest我们很少见到在持枪抢劫案中主动要求不用辩护的。
44、 Go nothing.别动
45、 Humpty dumpty climbed up a wall,humpty dumpty had a great fall.胖墩爬上墙,胖墩摔下来。
46、 Don’t know.All I keep thinking, looking back on it ,uh...I was set up.不知道,每当我回想事情的经过,嗯...我是被陷害的
47、 I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me 请辩护律师不要打断我。
48、 But it's going to make collaboration kind of hard.不过这样合作起来就不那么容易了。
49、 I’m telling you ,the guard are the dirtiest thing in the whole place.The only difference between us and them is the badge.告诉你吧,警卫是这里最肮脏的团伙,我们跟他们的唯一区别就是有没有徽章。(里面有些警卫的确不是甚么好鸟)
50、 Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in right now.给我个不告发你的理由。
51、 Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.Don’t you think it would be better...?先生,你的包里已经有50万刀了,你不觉得...(赶紧闪)比较好么?(比较搞笑,连银行职员都开始帮坏人出主意了)
52、 My mistake. Just what I need ... A duck? 我的错,我要的是……一只鸭子?
53、 Face-to-face works pretty good.面对面的话成功率很高哦。(Scure绝对是个痴情男)
54、 I’m looking for someone,guy named Lincon Burrows.我在找一个叫Lincon Burrows 的人。
55、 If you would have just told us in the beginning that this was going to be a railroad.如果你一开始就告诉我们这是个快速通过案。
56、 He's a closed book.他很自我保护
57、 "Trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls.在这围墙里 相信我 这三个字完全等于零
58、 I admire your optimism. She’s rolling,man. 我很钦佩你的乐观,她在叛变
59、 Wouldn’t be too sure of that.别太肯定了。(这时候MS拿出一个纸鹤给阿布)
60、 Can I hitch a ride?我能搭个便车吗?
61、 Anything break on the other six?其他六人有什么进展?