1.The only problems are the pests. 唯一的问题就是这些宠物。
2.This isn't a joke, Hiccup! 这不是在开玩笑!
3.My village.In a word,sturdy.
4.It's been here for seven generations,but every single building is new.
5.We have fishing,hunting and a charming view of the sunsets.
6.Oh, you are many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. 哦,你可以胜任很多职责,但决不是捕龙者。
7.You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes.你知道的,大多数地方都有老鼠和蚊子。
8.We have ..........dragons.我们有......龙。
9.Most people would leave.Not us.很多人都会离开,但是我们不会。
10.We are Vilings.We have stubbornness issues.
11.My name is Hiccup.
12.Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.好名字,我知道。但是它不是最差的。
13.Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls.
14.Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.
15.Every time you step outside disaster falls. 你一出门 灾难就降临
16.Can you not see that I have bigger problems? 你没发现我还有更大的麻烦吗?
17.Winter is almost here and I have an entire villafeed! 冬天临近了 我还得喂饱全村人!
18.Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think? 看这身材差距,如果都不像你们这么硕大,村子也可以少负担些口粮?
19.It's located solodly on the meridian of misery.
20.Hiccup! Why can't you follow the simplest orders? 你就不能老实一点?
21.I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... 我控制不住自己,每当我看到龙,就想...
22.kill it. You know, it's who I am, Dad. 杀了它,爸爸,这就是我。
23.It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death.