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 时间:2020-12-28 23:46:52 来源:人生格言 

1. 出生时:There will be pain, there will be screaming. 等待的,只有痛苦,与尖叫。

2. 移动时:Oh yes!A path to pain. 通往痛苦的道路。

3. 攻击时:Does this hurt . 疼不?A love bite.呵,我只不过在你身上留了个爱痕~( )Scream! 尖叫吧~!Pain builds character. 痛苦可怡情养性~I love a struggle. 我喜欢你挣扎。

4. 放技能:I love it when you resist. 我喜欢你抗拒的样子~

5. 释放暗影突袭:A little knife play? 想玩儿刀子么?Oh! I love your new piercing! 噢~你身上那个空洞好看极了~(指被刀刺穿身体的洞)

6. 释放痛苦尖叫:Death comes in at the ears. 死亡降临于耳际。Didn't like the sound of that? 你喜欢我的声音么~?

7. 释放大招时:ho ho ho that was the sound of your death. 呵呵...那就是你的死亡之声。Death travels faster than sound. 死亡来的比音速更快。

8. 升级时:No pain, no gain. 没有痛苦,就不会有进步。More, more! 人家还要~还要~( 萌萌的)

9. 杀死英雄时:Pain is the best teacher. 痛苦是最好的老师。You hurt the ones you love. 你伤害了你爱的人。Did you forget your safe word? 你忘了你的安全词了吗?I'm sorry, did you say stop? 噢真是对不起~ 我可没听见你要让我停下来呢~。

10. 嘲讽被杀英雄:Night Stalker, you're only a little pain. 夜魔,你所制造的痛苦对来说只是小case~

11. Maybe now you'll stop blinking around, Anti-Mage? 这下你就不会跳来跳去了

12. 吧,敌法?Oh, Anti-Mage, I'll make you break your vows. 噢,敌法师,我会让你食言(敌法师篇)

13. Enchantress, such an innocent creature. 魅惑魔女,多么纯洁的一个生物(魅惑魔女-小鹿篇 )

14. Crystal Maiden... are you really, I wonder.水晶室女...你确定你还是个么~?(冰女篇 很内涵)

15. Silencer?I'd prefer a screamer. 沉默术士?哈哈真是搞笑..我更喜欢尖叫术士(沉默

16. 术士篇 )

17. Skeleton King, could you feel something for me&?骷髅王,你对我有什么感觉么?(骷

18. 髅王篇 萌女王就喜欢调戏)

19. I like them with alittle more meat on their bones. 如果你身上能长点肉的话,我就更喜欢你了~(还是骷髅王篇 )

20. ( 女王)补刀:Your pain ends. 你的痛苦就此结束Your pain, my gain. 你的痛苦,.我的收获。

21. 死亡时:Our roleplay, ends. 我们的角色扮演游戏...结束了...Bury me in the royal catacombs. 要把我埋葬在我的皇家陵园中。

22. 重生时:Long live your Queen! 女王万岁万岁万万岁!I know I'm a pain, but you love me anyway. 我知道我是痛苦的化身,但是我也知道,你还爱着我。

23. You'll find that I'm all stick and no carrot. 你会发现我用的都不是萝卜,而都是棍子买东西:

24. It pains my pocketbook. 我的钱包说他很疼~(什么都是pain )……

25. 买跳刀:Blink dagger? That was quite unnecessary. 跳刀?真是个废物...

26. 吃符:双倍:I'll have them screaming duets! 我会让他们上演尖叫二重奏!极速:Twice the speed of sound! 比音速还快两倍!隐身:What you don't see can most certainly hurt you.你看不到的东西,是最有可能伤害你的。

27. 释放燃油:You need a shower. 你该洗澡了

28. 杀死英雄时:  It's not the bat you gotta worry about. She eats fruit. 你不用害怕这只蝙蝠,她是吃水果的Hey, ask permission the next time you wanna feed my bat. 嘿,下次来喂我的蝙蝠要先问问我。

29. 嘲讽英雄:Oh, Lina, I was hoping you'd be my backwarmer.哦,莉娜,我多希望你来给我暖暖身子(萌萌的火女第一个躺枪 )

30. Aw, Queenie, in another life we'd a been soulmates, I just know it!嗷,小女王,在另一个世界里我们一直是知音,我知道的( 女王篇)

31. Drow Ranger, don't be a stranger.卓尔游侠,不要那么害羞啊(黑暗游侠篇 老淫棍)

32. Oh now, Windrunner, you don't have to run from me.风行者,不用跑来跑去躲着我(风行者篇)

33. I know, Vengeful: Chicks rule. They also die. 小复仇,我懂的,你觉得女权至上:女

34. 人也是要死的。(vs篇)

35. I gotta say, Enchantress: You are spunky.我必须要说,小鹿你真是活力十足(魅惑魔女篇)

36. Spectre, I have no idea what you just said, but I could listen to you all day.幽鬼妹纸,我虽然不知道你刚才说了什么,但是我可以听你说上一整天(幽鬼妹纸篇 依旧老淫棍)

37. Crystal Maiden, you were a tall glass of ice water.冰女,你就像高脚杯里的冰水(水晶室女篇 bat的这句说的好有诗意)

38. I'm not speakin ill of Lina when her ashes are still warm.莉娜的尸骨未寒的时候我是不会说她坏话的(还是火女篇 这还算嘲讽me)

39. Damn, Lina, I carried such a torch for ya. 该死的莉娜,我可是为了你才拿着这该死的火炬(lina!依旧lina,想必大家已经看出点什么了 )

40. Always a pleasure being stalked by the Templar Assassin.能被圣堂...是多开心呢(圣堂刺客篇,只可意会)

41. Death Prophet, I'm the one your visions been warning you about.死亡先知,我是你预言中被警告的那个人(死亡先知篇, 预言中被警告的那朵烂桃花)

42. Mirana, I think your ride and mine have a thing for each other.米拉娜,我觉得咱俩的坐骑有一腿(月之女祭司篇,很有内涵,不单单是搭讪 从坐骑角度想)

43. Broodmother, if you weren't already--ugh, never mind!蜘蛛,如果你没……呃,算了(育母蜘蛛篇, )

44. I wish I could have got a better look at you, Phantom Assassin. 幻刺,我希望我能看你看的更清楚 (幻影刺客篇)

45. Nightstalker, why have wings if you're not gonna fly.夜魔,你不会飞干嘛还要长翅膀(暗夜魔王篇,开始嘲讽 )

46. Shoulda warned ya, Storm Spirit. She likes fruit.蓝叔我要提醒你一下,她是吃水果的(风暴之灵篇,她指的应该是座下蝙蝠 )

47.Aw, Pudge, I thought you knew all about choppers. 啊,胖子我相信你对绞肉机很了解(屠夫篇)

48. Uh, usually Pudge, I like a chopped hog. But you the wrong sort.胖子,通常我比较喜欢切好的猪肉,但不是你这种(屠夫篇,嘲讽的就是你,胖子! )

49. Hey Void! Have you seen Bat to the Future?嘿,内裤脸!知道未来的蝙蝠是啥样么?(虚空假面篇)

50. Aw, Viper, and I was gonna take you out for a spin. 啊,蝮蛇,我本想骑着你出去兜两圈(冥界亚龙篇,太犀利 )

51. Okay, Jakiro, which one of you wants to take me for a ride?好吧双头龙,你想让我骑你哪个头?(双头龙篇 )

52. One time I was riding this dragon when the damn thing turned into a knight! 曾经我还骑着这条龙,后来他居然变成了一个骑士!(龙骑士篇)

53. 复活时:Nothin like the feel of my old bat between my legs. 没人能理解我两腿间的老蝙蝠的感受。

54. (蝙蝠的彩蛋 )罕见语音:Hoss here has a two-stroke engine. Gotta pet her twice to get her going. 我的蝙蝠有个两冲程的发动机,你得爱抚她两下她才能走。

55. 杀死灵魂守:What blood ties, magic tears asunder. 什么血缘关系,魔法已经将我们分开了Vile fratricide. 骨肉相残太可耻了!卫时The bonds of brotherhood, severed. 我们的兄弟情义已经断绝。


