You don't understand me, even if I put my heart to you, you also cannot read.
In the life the biggest regret, not too, give up easily shouldn't give up, stubbornly, insisted the shouldn't insist.
Who cares if you like deep sea heart, people will blame you for hoarseness force from disturbing sleep.
Learn to appreciate their own, every day to give yourself a smile, and why not happy life.
There need be no evil, evil heart, will be hung up.
Extremes always failed, should actively seek the wisdom of life.
7.人生只活三天,活在的人迷惑;活在明天的人等待;活在 的人最踏实。
Life is only three days to live, live in the confusing; live in tomorrow's waiting; live in one of the most practical.
8.无论什么场合,请多做多听少说,行动总比语言来得更有说服力。你只有懂得倾听,才能厚积薄发。No matter what the occasion, please do more listening than talking, action is better than language is more persuasive. You only know how to listen, to accumulate steadily.
No matter how difficult life, be brave to go, when one day back to admire myself. Only believe in yourself, others will have reason to believe you.
No matter what age, remember to believe in life, believe others. You only believe that life is happiness, only believe that others will be happy.
Life is the most beautiful, the most bitter is waiting, the most happy is the love, the most regret is missing.
No matter how the social reality, can not give up your dream.
No matter how busy, please remember to enjoy the beauty of life. Only know how to enjoy life, to enjoy life, don't leave too much regret.
14.人最大的烦恼就是记性太好了。如果什么都可以忘了,以后的每一天都将会是一个新的开始。The biggest worry is that memory is good. If everything can be forgotten, after every day is a new beginning.
And you become entangled in, let a person be at a loss what to do more than any man become entangled in.
The most unforgettable, is those who never remind of, is never forgotten.
To do the masters of life, don't try to change others, you just do the masters of their own.
Don't be afraid to do a thing, do not be afraid to think of the past, don't be afraid to face the future.
19.说过的话一定要做到,即使那是很蠢的话,可是再蠢也比言而无信好。本文来自名人名言 www.geyan123.cn
Said we must do, even if it is very silly, but more stupid than fail to keep faith.
If you do not understand, say, if you understand, don't say, keep smiling.