By doing we learn.经一事,长一智。
Big mouthfuls ofter choke.贪多嚼不烂。
Business is business.公事公办。
Between two stools one falls to the ground.脚踏两头要落空。
Bind the sack before it be full.做事应适可而止。
Beware beginnings.慎始为上。
Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。
Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。
Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。