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  • Life is a flower

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

      My love is like an ocean; it goes down so deep. My love is like a rose; whose beauty you want to keep.  我的爱就像浩瀚的海洋,它深沉厚重;我的爱就像芬芳的......点击阅读

  • 唯坚韧者始能遂其志

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

      Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.(只要有一颗意志坚强的心,没事不成。)  Work makes the workman.(勤工出巧匠。)(名人名言 www.lz.cn)  Constant drop......点击阅读

  • Justice has long arms

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

      You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.  你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一......点击阅读

  • 客随主便

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

      The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.  权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。  If you fight for yourself, only you can win; when you fight for......点击阅读

  • Beware beginnings

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

      Beware beginnings.  慎始为上。  Big mouthfuls ofter choke.  贪多嚼不烂。  Bind the sack before it be full.  做事应适可而止。  Birds of a feathe......点击阅读

  • 100句骂人的英文句子精选

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

    1、You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!2、Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。3、You’re a disgrace. 你真丢人!4、I don’t want to hear it. 我不想听!5、Give me a brea......点击阅读

  • 英语励志名言11条(双语)

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

    1、Promice Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind    告诉自己要坚强,没有什么事情可以打扰到你内心的平静。2、To talk hea......点击阅读

  • 早起的鸟儿有虫吃下一句是什么

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52


  • 英语学习格言摘抄大全(带翻译)

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

    1、No man is born wise or learned.    没有生而知之者。2、You think you can, you can.    你认为你行,你就行。3、A man becomes learned by askin......点击阅读

  • 英语教育格言摘抄大全(带翻译)

    日期:2020-12-28 23:46:52

    1、What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. (Joseph Adison, British writer)    教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻之于大理石。(英国作家 阿......点击阅读