拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte,1769年8月15日-1821年5月5日),法兰西第一共和国执政、法兰西第一帝国皇帝,出生在法国科西嘉岛,是一位卓越的军事天才。1804年5月18日,法兰西第一帝国皇帝拿破仑·波拿巴称帝。他多次击败保王党的反扑和反法同盟的入侵,捍卫了法国大革命的成果。他颁布的《民法典》更是成为了后世资本主义国家的立法蓝本。他执政期间多次对外扩张,形成了庞大的帝国体系,创造了一系列军事奇迹。1812年兵败俄国,元气大伤;1813年被反法联军赶下台。1815年复辟,随后在滑铁卢之战中失败,被流放到圣赫勒拿岛。1821年病逝,1840年尸骨被迎回巴黎隆重安葬在塞纳河畔。 其他信息 姓名:拿破仑·波拿巴籍贯:法国性别:男民族:日耳曼出生日期:1769年8月15日毕业院校:巴黎军官学校主要成就:雾月政变、法兰西第一帝国 、拿破仑法典 拿破仑‘波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte,1769-1821年),法兰西第一共和国执政、法兰西第一帝国皇帝,出生在法国科西嘉岛,是一位卓越的军事天才。建立了百日王朝。他多次击败保王党的反扑和反法同盟的入侵,捍卫了法国大革命的成果。 他颁布的《民法典》更是成为了后世资本主义国家的立法蓝本。他执政期间多次对外扩张,形成了庞大的帝国体系,创造了一系列军事奇迹。1812年兵败俄国,元气大伤;1814年被反法联军赶下台。1815年复辟,随后在滑铁卢之战中失败,被流放到圣赫勒拿岛。1821年病逝,1840年尸骨被迎回巴黎隆重安葬在塞纳河畔。
Napoleon I ——Emperor of the French 1769 - 1821 “Ambition is never content, even on the summit of greatness.” ——Napoleon Bonaparte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency, Napoleon rose from obscurity to become Napoleon I, Empereur des Francais (Emperor of the French). He is both a historical figure and a legend—and it is sometimes difficult to separate the two. The events of his life fired the imaginations of great writers, film makers, and playwrights whose works have done much to create the Napoleonic legend. Napoleon decided on a military career when he was a child, winning a scholarship to a French military academy. His meteoric rise shocked not only France but all of Europe, and his military conquests threatened the stability of the world. Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders in history. He has also been portrayed as a power hungry conqueror. Napoleon denied being such a conqueror. He argued that he was building a federation of free peoples in a Europe united under a liberal government. But if this was his goal, he intended to achieve it by taking power in his own hands. However, in the states he created, Napoleon granted constitutions, introduced law codes, abolished feudalism, created efficient governments and fostered education, science, literature and the arts. Emperor Napoleon proved to be an excellent civil administrator. One of his greatest achievements was his supervision of the revision and collection of French law into codes. The new law codes—seven in number—incorporated some of the freedoms gained by the people of France during the French revolution, including religious toleration and the abolition of serfdom. The most famous of the codes, the Code Napoleon or Code Civil, still forms the basis of French civil law. Napoleon also centralized France's government by appointing prefects to administer regions called departments, into which France was divided. While Napoleon believed in government "for" the people, he rejected government "by" the people. His France was a police state with a vast network of secret police and spies. The police shut down plays containing any hint of disagreement or criticism of the government. The press was controlled by the state. It was impossible to express an opinion without Napoleon's approval. Napoleon's own opinion of his career is best stated in the following quotation: “I closed the gulf of anarchy and brought order out of chaos. I rewarded merit regardless of birth or wealth, wherever I found it. I abolished feudalism and restored equality to all regardless of religion and before the law. I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. I purified the Revolution.” His death on 5 May 1821 brought relief to the royal houses of Europe and it was only in 1840 that his body was allowed to return to his beloved France.